
“How beautiful to remain a mystery in a world of people who have nothing left to hide.” – anonymous

Modesty is the most beautiful adornment, so adorn yourself with modesty.

Don’t be like those who flaunt their beauty to gain the attention of strange men who can neither benefit them nor bring them close to Allah.

They say the Muslim woman is oppressed because she is covered. They are wrong. She covers to please her Creator, to protect herself from evil and to seek closeness to Allah. She is liberated from being objectified by evil men. She is liberated from being judged by her appearance. She is liberated from being judged by the standards of society because she only strives to seek the approval of her Creator, Allah.

Those who seek validation through their appearance, they are the ones who are oppressed by this society that has placed high standards of beauty for them to live up to. We live in a society where the less you wear, the more you are praised by society. The tighter your clothes, the more popular you are. The prettier your make-up, the more attention you get.

Dear sisters, you are worth so much more than your appearance. Make your character the most beautiful thing about yourself, because outer beauty fades. Don’t let yourself believe that your appearance is your most valuable attribute. Your modesty (haya) is more valuable because if you lose that, you lose a part of your faith.

Indeed, our beloved prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: Modesty is part of faith. {Sahih al-Bukhari 24}

Hold onto your faith. Hold onto your modesty.

Don’t let this society corrupt you. 💔

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